All Posts by

Faye Hall

Showing 49 Result(s)

What a year…

I’ve thought about how to write this a hundred times and still I’m sitting here staring at my keyboard. Ridiculous isn’t it? I’m an author so I’m supposed to always have the right words at the right time. Anyone who actually knows me knows I often stumble over my words, say the wrong thing and …

Historical Romance

Stolen Desires

When Samuel Ottarson rescued Nellie from certain harm, he was dazzled by her beauty and soft touch.  Remembering the harsh consequences of becoming involved with a member of the fairer sex, and the deceit and anguish a woman could cause, he quickly retreats from her.  He needed to make it clear that he was out …

Historical Romance

Behind the Mask

Two lovers are torn from each other by their feuding families. When Duncan Buchanan and Isobel Porter met at a masquerade ball, they thought they’d found someone to change their distaste for matrimony.  When their mothers tore them out of each other’s arms, they found themselves trapped between two feuding families, each matriarch willing to …