
Excerpt – Wrath & Mercy

Elina went quiet, watching Fin’s attention return to the papers on the desk. She knew now wasn’t the best time to bring up her own concerns. Still, he needed to know.

“My father told me we leave for Australia as soon as he has our affairs in order.”

Fin looked up at Elina. “He told me before the funeral that he thought it best to take you as far away from here as possible. He believes what is being said about Ewan, and he doesn’t want those he dealt with finding their way back to you.”

Elina lowered her gaze to her lap. “Will you be coming with us?”

Silence surrounded them. Lifting her gaze to him and seeing his stern expression, she felt her heart sink.

“Archie has instructed me to stay here in England a while longer to finalize the last few shipments. It will be at least a few months before I can get my own passage to Australia.”

His words stabbed at her heart. “I don’t want to leave you,” she uttered, her voice laced with tears.

Getting up from his seat, he walked around the desk. His hands going to her, he helped her to stand. “I’ll join you as soon as I’m able. I promise.”

Her gaze held his as fear filled her. What if this was the last time she’d ever see him? The mere thought pained her.

“This isn’t goodbye,” he told her, his hand going to her face, his fingers stroking her cheek. “I won’t allow it to be.”

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