
What is Indulgence?

Indulgence & Temperance (Sins of the Virtuous Book 2) represents the sin of Gluttony, a sin often thought to mean over-indulgence and over-consumption of food, drink, but it can also describe the over-indulgence of wealth items, particularly as status symbols.

The hero of the story, Daniel, falls victim to such a sin, following his family’s need for even more power and money then they already have.

Beth, the heroine of the story, usually a shining example of Temperance, finds herself drawn into a life so unlike anything she ever thought to lead.

The true example of Indulgence is shown through the character, William Maxon. Not only does his surname mean Gluttony, but his desire to binge anything and everything around him borders on the obsessive. When his newest desire focuses on Beth, Daniel is forced to make a choice he never thought he’d be faced with.

Please enjoy Indulgence & Temperance

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